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Monthly Archives: June 2013

Created by Lego and Sold by Shell

Have you ever thought that innovations to some extent are good! But, when innovative ideas turn into something called ‘childish’ then you may surely give it a thought as to why is this being done. The same thing will shock you when you hear this about Lego making 6 Ferraris for Shell and it will be given on getting gas filled at Shell. 
Crazy childish offers!
Well, Shell going hand in hand with Ferrari to create something which brings our childhood memories back is childish but even odd at the same time. The reason behind this offer is merging of three well-known companies Shell, LEGO and Ferrari. The offer is that Ferrari has introduced 6 of its famous racing cars known very well back in the past and launches it with Shell for a nice sale. These limited edition cars will be given to only those customers who will come and fill fuel and gas at the Shell gas station.
Advantages to the companies
The first benefit will be experienced by Shell, since it is going to have a long queue of people coming to fill gas and also taking those 6 miniature cars by Ferrari. This offer is the best way to get maximum customers to the gas station.
Secondly, Ferrari is going to get most of the publicity because of its merger as well as innovative idea of selling such cars at a gas station because local stores charge for it whereas there it is free!
Finally, LEGO takes the credit because they are the ones who are going to manufacture these mini Ferrari models to catch your attention.
We have become so big but still just small mini Ferrari car models famous back in the past are making us fall for it. It’s truly said that being crazy does not have any age because it’s done to have fun.