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2014 Mini JWC

The 2014 Mini JWC Paceman Rekindles Faith In The JCW Brand

2014  JCW Paceman 1The 2014 version of the JCW Paceman somewhat rekindled one’s faith in the John Cooper Works brand. The Paceman is a beauty of a machine and has again interested buyers into looking into the JCW portfolio after products such as the JCW Countryman threatened to almost tarnish the company. The Paceman is not only quicker and lighter than the Countryman, but also looks really good.

The Engine And Car Specifications

The JCW Paceman is fitted with the 1.6 liter 4 cylinder turbo charged engine and provides an output of 215 horsepower and 221 lb – ft of torque. 2014  JCW Paceman Added to the combination of an all wheel drive and 17 / 18 inch Pirelli Sottozero Winter 210 series 2 tires, the vehicle manages to provide a great thrill to the drivers and is also extremely smooth to drive. Moreover, the Paceman seems to thrive off the electronic assist steering which made the other models manufactured by JCW suffer. It is also able to offer much better directional stability than all other previous models. The Paceman found all across America comes with a more rigid and lower sport suspension and is still some way from the ones found in Europe which are the closest to representing an extremely dynamic powerhouse. Finally, the Paceman boasts of top speeds of 127 mph and its pliable sidewalls greatly help with noise reduction. Perfectly placed Mini Accessories and Parts from CARiD.com only elevate this authentic effect.

The Interiors Of The JCW Paceman

The interiors of the JCW Paceman have also been completely refurnished. One can now expect a cute interior giving out a sporty look with its red colored detailing. The power window switches have also been relocated to the doors and the interior feels much more functional and compact. Priced at about $36000, the Paceman has been interesting numerous buyers into buying it.